Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monetization in Games

So today's post is going to be about the fact that monitization is ruling the game industry. I notice that it's going to sound kinda biased throughout but I really believe that when it comes to games it shouldn't be about the money. It should be about giving someone an awesome experience and try to affect their emotions or make them feel triumphant in their completion of the game. I feel like it's getting to be a way for companies to make a half assed game (excuse my language), and then ask a consumer to please slide in credit card for the rest of the game.It's quite disappointing that games have become more or a niche for companies to believe that they are going to make a lot of money.
I agree that it takes a lot of money to make a game, you have to hire professionals and gain materials to make it. But having a ten year plan on making more and more money is not the way it needs to go. A good example of this is the ending to Mass Effect 3 (Yes i know that it has been all over the headlines) but it's not the ending that pisses me off as much as the dialogue box you get after. I mean it more or less says "The legend of "The Shepard" isn't completed, buy more DLC to build on it." which in lamence terms means please slide card for more game.
What ever happened to games that were made for the sake of making something great? I mean wouldn't it have sucked if you were playing Super Mario Bros, and all the sudden you go into the pipe for world 2-1 and you get a dialogue box that pops up saying "Purchase more DLC for World 2-1." That would piss me off and i know it would do that to you guys also. Is it so hard to complete a game without having to make the person buy something? I am probably beating a dead horse, here with this argument but i am making a stand.
I will solemnly swear to make the games that i believe you (the consumer) will want to play, I also swear by the right of god that any game I make will not be made half ass to gain money and you will always get a full product from my company or the games that I make herein. It may not be much but I want everyone to know my stand on this and maybe one of these days I will be the one that revolutionizes the way the gaming industry thinks.
I also just want to state for the record that I love Bethesda Games for making Skyrim with no strings attached. They brought out an entire game with every cog moving in it. Without having to send you the bill along with it. All they asked was for you to pay the entrance fee of 60 dollars and you gain full access to there beautiful clubs with strippers and fun stuff. Thank you Bethesda for letting me into your club without making me have to buy a drink, or a sitting fee, or even bathroom tokens to go and take a piss, god bless you.

Source: for the picture of money going down a drain.

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