Thursday, September 1, 2011

Games: Addiction or Compulsion?

Reading a lot from what my cohorts said about Addiction and Compulsion when it comes to games. I have come to the conclusion that each one has it's pros and its cons. Let's take a look at the addiction and compulsion in general to understand how it relates to games.
Addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance (as heroin,nicotine,and alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.
Source: merriam-webster/
So with the definition we see that addiction is a compulsive need for something (i.e. "I have to have that!") So that being said how does it relate? Well, it relates to the psychological feeling of filling a void. Which in all retrospect most addicts do. Most people use drugs as a gateway which leads them into a false state of reality. But the difference when it comes to games is the fact that once you start playing a game it doesn't make you an addict. For example there has been many reports that meth addicts that have started were addicted to meth on the first try. Leading me to believe that if I pick up Castlevania and play world 1-1 it doesn't mean that I am going to sit there and intentionally kill myself so that I can replay the same level again.True, I might try to beat the game but what then? Do i reset my NES and beat the game again and again and again? See, with games when we defeat a boss or a enemy and beat the game you get bored which addicts do not do. Which leads me straight into my next point:
Compulsion: an irresistible persistent impulse to perform an act.
So, herein lies the dilemma compulsion is an impulse to do something. Which means " Yeah i just beat Castlevania, now lets beat Mario." As you see that is were it differs ever so slightly. Playing games is the definition of compulsion due to the fact that you shoot from one game to the next. You keep playing games as an escape from reality and if you are a gamer then your com-pulsed to keep playing a wide range of games. But does that make you an addict? No, it doesn't because with compulsion you are able to choose if you are willing to continue. If I were to play Castlevania and all the sudden one of my friends calls to go see a movie or something then i have the right to choose what I want to do. With addiction you do not have that liberty it's either play or suffer. I agree though that games if played compulsively do have a tendency to screw up your life but all in all it comes down to your choice. Whether you want to spend a Saturday grinding for experience on World of Warcraft or spending times with your friends outside of the game is entirely up to you. I know how every com-pulsed gamer feels because I am one. I've been there since I was very young. But to fix my compulsion I changed my behavior and i was able to do something i can't believe i am doing. I took my compulsion and i made it my soon to be job. So i believe games are a great social experience and as a learning tool and they are especially well used as entertainment. But we can't let it consume us. Take a look around you. I know life is shitty but if you face it with a fist in the air then your just stopped your compulsion. In closing games are great but they shouldn't be your whole life they should be what makes your life whole. And, when your enveloped in a game and your having a blast. Just remember you are the stronger and you don't have to let games be the victor. Thanks for reading and if you have any feedback it is much appreciated. Thanks guys =)

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