Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Undertale Changed my Life

Hey everyone, I usually never really cut my heart out and bleed for a video game. I've been able to be a little biased and explain in a heartfelt way how much I truly like a game. But I try as hard as I can to look at all the parts of a game, and then as a whole i judge it whether it really is that good or not.
However, that is not the case with Undertale. As you may all know (some may not) my favorite game of all time is Earthbound. The bliss I get from really sitting down and going through the "My Sanctuary Locations" and beating the living hell of out Giygas. It is truly my favorite thing to do, but when it comes to Undertale I got the same feeling as I have with Earthbound. I can only relate it to the immense fun I had with the mechanics, the story, and the overall experience.
But the reason I am really wanting to explain why the game was really the best thing I have played bar none since Earthbound. Is just how the game made me feel. Many people don't know this, but I've been going through a lot of depressive issues from the onset of 2014 till now. It's been a really hard road that I have put myself on. I've lost friends, I've caused problems with my family, and I've hurt people that are close to me.
As of right now I am going to therapy for all of this, and I am taking chemicals to mend my broken life. The biggest thing I think that hurts me the most with depression and anxiety. Is just the feeling that I get that nobody cares about me, even though I know I am blessed with a great wife and many great friends. Another thing I think gives me turmoil is that I've tried so hard to develop an experience that I can really be proud of. But i'm the person who gets in my own way when I start on a project.
But I don't want to keep rambling on about my problems, I want to explain why Undertale has really changed my life. One of the core philosophies in Undertale is the statement "Stay Determined" it's more or less the rallying cry of the Undertale community, and I can see why. The whole game is about staying determined to defeat the evil that life gives us. It shows to the player that there will always be hardships in life, but if you stay determined through them, then you'll always win and prevail. The game is really dark, and depending on if you commit monster genocide or you decide to be a pacifist and talk your way out of everything. Then the whole game changes, which is amazingly adaptive to the player.
When I experienced Undertale, I thought the humor was through the roof. It was funny when it needed to be, and it was dark where it needed to be as well. But I started to notice something in the game that I didn't see at first. The game is about friendship and figuring out that sometimes determination will you get you through. Other times you need the help of your friends to keep you determined. I'm not sure what Toby Fox (the creator of Undertale) was going through at this time, but when you put your heart and soul into a video game. You realize that you don't have much left, and I believe in a roundabout way, Toby was trying to tell himself that he needed to stay determined to complete his project. He noticed that he needed friends more than anything, not just for the help of the entire game. But he needed them to help him stay determined.
This to me reflects everything I have learned through Earthbound as well. You have to keep your friends with you wherever you go. The strength of your determination, does not come by your own strength. It comes from the strength and determination of others as well. I can't specify enough how much I believe Undertale has taught me. I want to stay determined, I want to keep going. And because of Toby Fox and his amazing game I can do that. This game is neck and neck with Earthbound for my favorite game of all time. They both have their own thing that makes them special to me. I have to say, when you're crafting a game, I believe it's not about just creating a game. It's about creating an experience that will sing to the heart of the people that play it. And I believe Undertale and Earthbound have sang from the mountain peaks for me. Thank you Toby Fox.

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