Thursday, January 28, 2016

Memories with Video Games: The Darth Maul Chair

So I want to talk today about something that doesn't get a lot of exposure now days when it comes to Video games in general. We look at video games as being a bad thing, but I remember many great memories that involved me sitting until 2 am on a Saturday playing a specific game until I fell asleep on my controller. We all have friends, but the most time that I spent was with my favorite friend Video games.
This is why i'm posting this series of blogs, to show that Video games have always been a source of good in my life. So to start this post out it all started on a Christmas morning in 2002. 
I was just a wee lad, enjoying the best part of Christmas Day which was opening presents( what kid didn't like to do that) and I came upon something that was rectangular in nature and had a tag of from Santa to Jeremy. Of course I unwrapped the package with the fervor of a rabid dog, and I found out it was a PlayStation game called Final Fantasy Anthology. Now many people may not know what Final Fantasy Anthology was, but it was a two pack PlayStation 1 game that had Final Fantasy 5 and Final Fantasy 6 in it. I was overjoyed to say the least because I've had a long history with playing my brother's copies of Final Fantasy 2 (Final Fantasy 4 in japan) and Final Fantasy 3 (later changed to Final Fantasy 6) on the Super Nintendo. 
After unwrapping the game and running to my room to play it, I really didn't get much time to start a new adventure, because I had to go to my Aunt Jeanna's house for the celebratory Christmas Day dinner. Now on queue when I was younger, I had a small tradition where I would take the newest game to my Aunt's house so that I could play video games with my cousins on Christmas Day. Sometimes they would get to enjoy Guitar Hero, or they would get to watch me play Final Fantasy or Star Fox whatever I got that day. Looking back on it, it seems like I was a terrible person for just bringing the cool thing I got for Christmas just to play and not really share. But I always felt that I got a chance to really bond with my cousins over a video game whatever it may be. 
But I digress, at the Christmas Dinner my aunt is always awesome enough to give the kids treat bags every year that involved some candy and other miscellaneous stuff. But this year, was different. My Aunt Jeanna, being the awesome aunt she was bought me a Darth Maul inflatable chair. This chair wasn't anything huge or anything of the sort. But it was inflatable and just the right height for me to sit on in front of my bed and play my new Final Fantasy game.
This lead into many nights where I would have my PlayStation in front of my awesome entertainment center and I would play Final Fantasy 5 until i'm pretty sure my eyes bled. Every bit of that experience was one of my favorite Christmas breaks because I got to sit in this very comfortable chair and play one of my favorite Final Fantasies. It's the small things boy and girls that you always cherish. To you it may have just been a Darth Maul chair. To me it was the captains seat in the USS Adventure. Thank you so much for awesome adventures Mom and Dad, and also thank you for my Captains seat Aunt Jeanna. I'm always going to cherish my times playing Video games in my Darth Maul Chair. 

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